Frequently Inadequately Answered Questions

Frequently Inadequately Answered Questions

About Energy & the Nature of Consciousness

What are frequently inadequately answered questions?

Descriptions of energy, energetic states, the relationship to consciousness and the nature of being are difficult, primarily because language is not adequate to describe the experience in the energetic state but to make matters worse language actually manipulates that state. As paradoxical as it may seem that the means of describing the energetic experience directly affects that experience, and as difficult as it is to describe what happens in a phase of being in which language fails, I'm going to attempt to describe my personal experience and understanding.


Frequently inadequately answered questions then is my best effort to answer questions which have arisen as a result of my work in the energetic phase and I've not seen adequately answered elsewhere. As I describe my experience I'm aware that it is being relayed through the filter of me and therefore my understanding is limited by my ability to understand, but in the attempt I make the effort to not apply preconceived notions and only describe the experience after I'm able to reconcile that experience in some way. The problem then arises that how I'm describing the experience is often at odds with what we are told about self and the nature of reality. You will likely find in what follows something that does not agree with or fit with many current paradigms, common sense or world views but that's ok because it's not my intention, my intention is to be as honest as possible (again limited by my current ability to understand) about my experience.


Language cannot adequately convey an experience better than the experience itself, as evident in the material as it is in the energetic phase, moreover in the energetic phase it is easier to see  the shortcomings of language and it's effect on that phase which is not as evident in the material phase but is as equally true. To experience the energetic phase is to test these boundaries and understand them.

What is energy and how does it relate to consciousness?

The means of describing energy is dependent on the paradigm in which it is being described, for instance within the scientific/engineering it is framed as work done or heat applied, within the functioning of the body it is something that fuels or vitalises and within the paradigm of quantum physics it is worked with as increasingly smaller particles and or waves. These definitions work within the paradigms in which they are applied but at the experiential level they limit or fall short of adequately describing the experience. The reason for this being so, in my experience, is that they ignore something that has considerable implications and that is… energy is consciousness. This is difficult to appreciate unless you experience it directly as so but once you have I'm sure you will have the same difficulty I have, which is that they are indistinguishable, unless of course you make the effort to distinguish them by naming as one or the other.

What do I mean by consciousness?

No small feat to describe I'm sure you'll appreciate but here goes anyway… "That which is aware of self and other than self, contains and manipulates information about self and other than self, grows or evolves by increasing in complexity and capacity through interaction with self and other than self." If that makes no sense then don't worry it's the experience that matters rather than the definition but regardless I'll expand on it to give you an idea of what is happening.


The first thing to unpack is the word awareness, by this I mean that which is able to recognise self as something in existence and other selves or things being of existence, this is an experience I'm sure you recognise. Awareness is different from attention as attention is where you choose to place and how you choose to shape your awareness. Awareness then becomes the container for you consciousness. As you practice it becomes possible to better focus and shape your awareness as well as become aware of self and not self at the same time without loosing awareness of self.


So what is going on the in the container of awareness? Well this is what I term your Personal Conscious Energy (PCE)  that is everything that is you whether you are consciously aware of it or not, that is the physical, emotional, mental and energetic phases of your being. Each phase exists within this container of awareness but in different states. Each phase of you has a unique pattern and these patterns are constantly interacting or exchanging with each other. Those patterns of information interacting with each other is your consciousness. If you wonder what I mean by phase then the best way to think of it is as ice, water and steam which changes phase as you add heat a form of energy. This is the reason I'm reluctant to separate energy from consciousness as they are the same thing contained within the vessel of your awareness.

What is the difference then between Personal Conscious Energy and Transpersonal Conscious Energy?

Coming soon...

Why work with your Personal Conscious Energy?

Coming soon...